Beacon has pay as you go electric charging points for vehicles at a number of our schemes – these are for use by residents and Beacon vehicles only. This information relates to communal chargers installed by Beacon.

If you wish to install a private charger you will need our permission you must call us on 01792 479200 to discuss your options before you carry out any work. You can find out more at here

Beacon electric vehicle charing parking bays – what you need to know

Active Charging Only:

Only vehicles that are actively charging may park in designated EV charging bays. While Beacon maintains multiple EV charging points, residents can only use chargers at their place of residence if available and can’t use other chargers on other schemes

EV charging bays are clearly marked and visible, with appropriate signage and markings to indicate that they are designated for EV charging only. Other vehicles are not permitted to park in EV charging bays at any time, this is part of your Occupation Contract with us.

We rely on the community to help manage these parking arrangements by reporting violations and encouraging compliance. Whilst Coastal implements this rule, we do not have the ability to move vehicles that repeatedly violate it but will consider our own estate management procedures which could lead to action being taken.


Please move your vehicle as soon as charging is complete to allow others to use the charging bay.

Access Requirements:

While Beacon maintains multiple EV charging points, residents can only use chargers at their place of residence if available and can’t use other chargers on other schemes.

Beacon vehicles also have access to the charging points, this will normally be between 8am-4.30pm Monday to Friday.

To access a charger:

  1. Apply for Membership: Beacon will approve the membership before you can use the app and charging bays. Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page
  2. Receive email from Monta: You will receive a welcome email from Monta in order to complete the application process, please click on the link in this email to find out more. 
  3. Download Monta app: Download the Monta App from your app store to get started.

Any violations of the EV charging bay rules may result in the cancellation of membership privileges for Beacon bays (through the Monta app).

Fees and Maintenance:

Fees and maintenance for the EV charging bays are administered by Monta. Residents are expected to contact Monta directly with any disputes and technical help. Beacon will from time to time review the rates per Kw and tariffs. More details will given through the app. Beacon are responsible for the setting of the charge but not any transaction fees – these are charged by the card transaction company which we in turn add to the cost per KWh.


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