Debbie Green

Chief Executive

Chief Executive

Debbie obtained a history degree from Cambridge and moved to Cardiff in 1988, obtaining her chartered accountancy qualification in 1991. Having worked in the private, public and charitable sector, Debbie started her career in housing with Dewi Sant in 2005, and played a key role in the merger with Swansea Housing Association to form Coastal Housing Group. Formerly the Group Finance Director of Coastal, she took up the post of Coastal’s Chief Executive in April 2014.

Debbie believes in working towards a fairer and more equal society and that access to a good quality, affordable home in a sustainable community is a key part of this. She is a former Chair of both Chwarae Teg, the charity working towards economic development and equality for women in Wales, former Chair of Community Housing Cymru and Trustee of the leading Welsh mental health and wellbeing charity, Platfform (previously Gofal). Debbie is also a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing.

01792 479200

Headshot of Debbie Green - Coastal's Chief Executive

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